Sayyed Fakher
Sayyed Fakher

Kuwaiti hammer thrower ranks 5th at Arab championship

 JEDDAH:  Sulaiman Al-Shamroukh, of Kuwait, came fifth at the rankings of the hammer throw competitions of the 10th Arab athletic junior male and female championships being held in Taif city, southwest Saudi Arabia. Al-Shamroukh scored a personal record with a 59.99-m throw while Mohammad Al-Mayas set a new personal record in the triple jump events with a 13.37-m jump. In the 200-m dash event, Sayyed Fakher was able to reach the final after finishing the race in 22.29 seconds. The tourney, which kicked off on Thursday with national teams from 18 Arab countries participating, will come to a close tomorrow, Sunday. — KUNA

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