KUWAIT: Kuwait will host the regional special Olympics Motor Activity Training Program (MATP) to prepare coaches of activities program. The program will be organized by Kuwait Special Olympics under the supervision of International Special Olympics for MENA region, as trainers from GCC and Arab countries will participate including special Olympics MATP Global Technical Advisor Dr Eleni Rossides, Special Olympics MATP senior manager Dr Niamh Mourton, MENA Special Olympics Head of Sports and Training sector Dr Emad Mohyeeldeen, Head of Games and competitions Dr Shareef Al-Fouly and Director of Leader Players Program Nuha Jaballah.

The program will last three days including lectures and practicals. National Director of Kuwait Special Olympics Rihab Bouresli said the event is being hosted by KSO out of its keenness to keep up with the latest developments in the field of training and home trainers skills to improve the sports and motor aspect of the mentally challenged persons, and affirming the role of Special Olympics and its active presence regionally and internationally.

Bouresli lauded the experience of participating lecturers from Arab and Western countries, and the turnout of trainers from MENA region.

Bouresli expressed confidence in Kuwait cadres from Tomooh Club and Special Olympics to get the program organized as required and that fits Kuwait care for the disabled.