AMMAN: Kuwait national handball team celebrating their win against China. – KUNA photo
AMMAN: Kuwait national handball team celebrating their win against China. – KUNA photo

Kuwait beat Chinese Taipei 39-31 in Asian Handball Championship

AMMAN: Kuwait national handball team defeated Chinese Taipei 39-31, in the opening round of Group D of the 10th AHF Asian Men’s Youth Handball Championship held in Amman, Jordan to qualify for the World Championship in Slovenia next summer.

In a statement to KUNA, team manager Youssef Al-Shaheen praised the team’s level, saying that the players achieved the desired goal by winning this opening match.

He added that the team will play three consecutive matches in the next three days, affirming the squad’s readiness, especially after the training camp they had gone through. Within its group, Kuwait competes with Chinese Taipei, China and Iran in the tournament running through September 14. — KUNA

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