Health Minister launches the winter vaccination campaign.  - KUNA photos
Health Minister launches the winter vaccination campaign. - KUNA photos

Vaccination campaign boosts health, reduces seasonal infection

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Health Minister Dr Ahmad Al-Awadhi affirmed on Tuesday that the winter vaccination campaign will boost health and reduce the spread of seasonal diseases. This came in a statement after the launch of the winter vaccination campaign at the Sayed Abdulrazaq Al-Zalzalah health center. After being vaccinated, Minister Al-Awadhi affirmed that this campaign came as part of the Ministry’s keenness on preserving the health of all members of the community and providing the necessary protection against infectious diseases that spread mostly in the winter season.

He pointed out that this campaign contained important and necessary vaccines such as flu and bacterial pneumonia, and those vaccines are located in 57 different precautionary departments in hospitals and health centers all over the country. He noted that this campaign was important to limit the spread of these diseases and protect the groups most vulnerable to infection.

He added that the groups at risk include the elderly over the age of 65, children as young as five years old, and people who suffer from chronic diseases such as heart and lung diseases and diabetes. Others include individuals with immunodeficiency or people taking immunosuppressive medications, pregnant women, and health sector workers who are in direct contact with patients, he added. — KUNA

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