KUWAIT: Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense Sheikh Dr Abdullah Mishaal Al-Sabah praised the unwavering commitment of Kuwait and China to strengthening cooperation across all levels, with a particular focus on the military sector. His remarks were made during the Chinese Embassy’s celebration on Sunday marking the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The event, hosted by Chinese Ambassador Zhang Jianwei and Military Attache Xu Chulai, was attended by representatives from allied and friendly nations.

Sheikh Al-Sabah noted that Kuwait and China have achieved significant milestones in military education and training, including their joint venture on the weapons and ammunition factory at the Supply Authority. He stated that his participation in the Republic of China’s national celebration underscores the political leadership’s dedication to deepening and strengthening the bilateral relationship.

Military Attache Xu Chulai highlighted that the ammunition factory, Kuwait’s first defense industry project, holds special meaning for both countries. The project is making positive progress and has potential to usher in a new era of bilateral defense cooperation, he said. Xu expressed a commitment to collaborating closely with Kuwaiti counterparts to implement the agreements reached by the leaders of both nations. The plan includes enhancing high-level exchanges, expanding joint training and exercises, and increasing officer exchanges between military academies.

Chinese Ambassador Zhang Jinawi is pictured with the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense Sheikh Dr Abdullah Mishaal Al-Sabah
Chinese and Kuwaiti military army offer the traditional salute.
Military Attaché Xu Chulai
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Meshaal Al-Sabah

Additionally, there is a focus on advancing cooperation in military industry and trade, while also strengthening international and regional security cooperation to elevate the defense and military relationship to a new level. He reflected on the notable successes achieved through joint efforts in military exchanges, defense industries, and military trade. Key achievements include Major General Fahad Al-Turaiji’s visit to China last year, the visit of the 44th Chinese naval escort task force to Kuwait, and the long-standing service of Chinese 155mm cannons with Kuwaiti artillery, renowned for their exceptional performance and after-sales maintenance.

Major General Khaled Zayed, Commander of the Ground Forces, described the military cooperation between China and Kuwait as part of a deep-rooted and robust relationship. He noted that the political ties between the two countries are longstanding and strong, with growing and evolving economic relations. The military relationship, which has spanned over 25 years, is also expanding and expected to continue developing. He praised China as a very friendly nation with clear positions on various issues, including support for Islamic and Arab causes as well as Kuwaiti stances.