Kuwait's Permanent Representative at the Arab League Ambassador Talal Al-Mutairi
Kuwait's Permanent Representative at the Arab League Ambassador Talal Al-Mutairi

Kuwait ‘attaches due attention’ to Arab causes

CAIRO: Kuwait’s Permanent Representative at the Arab League, Ambassador Talal Al-Mutairi, said Saturday that Kuwait pays due heed to Arab issues. The Kuwaiti diplomat made the statement to KUNA to mark 63 years since Kuwait joined the Arab League on July 20, 1961. On this occasion, Al-Mutairi highly commended the Cairo-based Arab bloc as one of the most prestigious regional and international organizations and as a pioneering agency that diligently seeks to fulfill the Arab people’s expectations for development and prosperity.

He underlined that the State of Kuwait has always been eager to promote its presence in regional and international multilateral action while attaching much attention to cultural and geopolitical parameters. The Kuwaiti diplomat added that in the context of promoting Arab cooperation with regional and international organizations and blocs during its non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council (2018-2019), Kuwait had adopted a statement welcoming an annual briefing to be presented by the Arab League’s Secretary-General.

He also stressed the significance of collaboration between the league and the United Nations (UN) in addressing the current crises in the Arab region. He concluded by speaking highly of Kuwait’s constructive diplomatic role in bridge-building through mediation, focusing on peaceful solutions and negotiations. — KUNA

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