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Crown Prince, PM receive Kuwait and Iraq ministers

KUWAIT: His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah on Monday received His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. His Highness the Crown Prince also received First Deputy Prime Minister, Defense Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah and Iraqi Minister of Interior Lieutenant General Abdulamir Kamel Al-Shammari and his accompanying delegation on his official visit to the country. Senior state officials attended the meeting.

His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah received Interior Minister of Iraq Lieutenant General Abdulamir Kamel Al-Shammari and the accompanying delegation. First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, Minister of Defense Sheikh Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah, head of the Prime Minister’s Diwan Abdulaziz Al-Dakheel, and Interior Undersecretary Sheikh Salem Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah attended the reception.

Also, Kuwait’s Interior and Defense Minister Sheikh Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah held talks on Monday with his Iraqi counterpart Abdulamir Al-Shammari focusing on the expansion of security cooperation between the two neighbors.

Ahead of an international gathering later this year in the Iraqi capital focusing on the fight against narcotics, the Kuwaiti interior minister said that his Iraqi counterpart had extended an invitation to him to participate in the event, said an interior ministry statement. Greater security cooperation mainly entails the fight against human smuggling and efforts to prevent encroachment on the two countries’ respective lands, added the statement. — KUNA

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