Abdulsamad Al-Aryan
Abdulsamad Al-Aryan

Tennis federation elects Al-Aryan as Chairman

KUWAIT: Kuwait Tennis Federation’s general assembly selected a transitional committee of five members during its extraordinary meeting at the weekend. The committee will carry out the federation’s affairs and prepare for the election of new board of directors according to its statute within 90 days of its formation.

The extraordinary meeting was attended by seven clubs out of 10. The meeting was chaired by Kuwait Club Board Member, Assistant Secretary Abdullah Al-Dayeen being the eldest member.

The general assembly selected Abdulsamad Al-Aryan Chairman, Saad Al-Kandary deputy chairman, Ahmad Al-Qallaf secretary, Nayef Al-Otaibi assistant secretary and Talal Al-Muhaini treasurer.

Abdulsamad Al-Aryan said the committee will act according to the rules regulating work at the federation, and will be keen during the transitional period to keep Kuwait national team participation in international tournaments from being affected, and keep the preparation and development programs on.

He said, “we hope to be up to the confidence the general assembly put in us during the next three months, and we wish the upcoming board all success”.

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