Ministry of Health distributes mobile generators to health facilities. – KUNA photos
Ministry of Health distributes mobile generators to health facilities. – KUNA photos

MoH distributes 8 mobile generators for emergency

Ministry of Health ensures services without interruption

KUWAIT: The Ministry of Health has announced the distribution of mobile generators to health facilities. This is to enhance readiness in case of any emergency that occurs on the electricity supply and to ensure the continuous provision of health services without interruption.

The Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry for Engineering and Projects Affairs, Eng Ibrahim Al-Naham, said in a press statement on Thursday that eight mobile generators were distributed: three generators with a capacity of 750 KVA and five generators with a capacity of 500 KVA. They are fully equipped with cables, electrical panels, and fuel tanks that are sufficient to operate at full load for 12 continuous hours.

Al-Naham explained that this step aims to strengthen the health facilities. He added that the number of generators in one facility depends on the size of the facility and its electrical loads. Small facilities will be equipped with one generator. He mentioned that some health facilities and centers were designed without emergency generators, so the Engineering Affairs Department is working to provide these centers with emergency generators.

The director of the Engineering Affairs Department at the Ministry, Nasser Abbas, said in a similar statement that the Ministry has already provided ten mobile emergency generators with a large size (1250 KVA) and distributed them to different areas. — KUNA

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