Graduates and attendees are pictured during the Graduation Ceremony.
Graduates and attendees are pictured during the Graduation Ceremony.

MoH welcomes 96 new doctors

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Minister of Health Ahmad Al-Awadhi, stressed on the pivotal role that graduates from the Faculty of Medicine at Kuwait University play in supporting the country’s healthcare system, describing them as “the main pillars of the health system.” His remarks came during the faculty’s graduation ceremony, where 96 new doctors were welcomed into the profession. He described this day as a turning point in their lives, marking their transition from academic life to professional life, where they officially “become doctors who carry a great responsibility in serving the community and taking care of the health of its members.”

Al-Awadhi expressed his belief in the added value that these graduates will bring to the medical sector, adding “We appreciate your enthusiasm and ambition to achieve outstanding success, just like your predecessors who have excelled in various medical fields.” He also noted that such achievements would not have been possible without the guidance and support of the graduates’ parents, whom he praised for their effective role in guiding and supporting their children throughout their journey.

Minister of Health Ahmad Al-Awadhi honors one of the graduates.
Minister of Health Ahmad Al-Awadhi honors one of the graduates.

In his final words to the fresh graduates, he advised them to adhere to the humanitarian principles of their job and ensure the performance of their duties with honesty and sincerity, paying attention to patients and providing the best healthcare possible. “The doctor’s profession is not just a job; it is a noble calling,” he said. “Congratulations, and I wish you continued success as ambassadors of your profession, your university, and your nation.”

He further encouraged them to continuously seek learning and stay informed about the latest developments in medical technology to keep pace with the tremendous advancements and progress seen worldwide, especially in the medical field.

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