As the summer heat intensifies, Kuwait’s residents flock to the corniche late in the day to enjoy one of the country’s greatest and most beautiful natural attractions. Whether it is swimming, fishing or enjoying a picnic, Kuwaitis and expatriates can’t resist the charm and allure of Kuwait’s thrilling beaches. "At night, especially during weekends, this is a wonderful place to be. It is a place where worries are left behind and memories are made. The coastline is a paradise that everyone should experience,” said Samuel Andrea, a Cameroonian expat.

Whether for a leisurely day of relaxation or fun in the sun, Kuwait’s beaches are a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. The transformed beaches and sea drive booming local coastal tourism.

- Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat

Meanwhile, the government is carrying out massive constructions along the coastline, offering various programs to promote healthy and clean beaches. Signs encouraging beachgoers to preserve the environment and keep it clean are visible throughout the area. "The coastline is neater, better, and more beautiful with improved amenities,” Egyptian expat Ashraf Ahmed told the Kuwait Times.

Some beach resorts and clubs offer water sports and other activities like jet skiing, biking and boat riding for those seeking a more adventurous day or night at the beach. The revamped beaches in Kuwait are well-maintained and offer amenities such as showers, changing rooms and restrooms for visitors’ convenience. There are cafes and restaurants too where beachgoers can grab a bite to eat or enjoy a refreshing drink while taking in the beautiful ocean views.

People watch the sunset behind the Kuwait Towers in Kuwait City on June 7, 2021. (Photo by YASSER AL-ZAYYAT / AFP)

Amid the heat, residents often flock to the beaches to relax and enjoy the weather at night. Kuwaitis and expats can be seen lounging on beach chairs, playing beach sports like volleyball and football and swimming in the calm waters. Families and friends often gather for picnics, making it a popular spot for socializing amid a sense of peace and tranquility.

"We like spending time at the beaches. Because of the heat, we normally come at night. The new structures create a perfect setting for a relaxing night by the sea. The atmosphere is lively and vibrant, with families and friends gathering to enjoy the natural beauty,” Noor Azmi, a Kuwaiti mother of three, told Kuwait Times.