Municipal Council Member Engineer Aliaa Shaikhan Al-Farsi
Municipal Council Member Engineer Aliaa Shaikhan Al-Farsi

Aliaa Al-Farsi chairs workshop on effect of tire landfills on public health, environment

 KUWAIT: The Environmental Affairs Committee at Kuwait's Municipal Council held an environmental workshop chaired by Municipal Council Member Engineer Aliaa Shaikhan Al-Farsi, focusing on issues regarding the tire landfills in Salmi, which Engineer Aliaa & other members of the Municipal Council visited last week. The workshop also discussed the effect of these landfills and tire disposals on the environment and public health.

 The workshop focused on deriving short- and long-term environmental solutions that would positively impact the community regarding environmental sustainability.  Representatives from 13 different state departments attended the workshop, including the Environmental Public Authority, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Works, and Ministry of Interior, as well as the World Health Organization.

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