Kuwaiti Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Municipal Affairs, Dr Noura Al-Mashaan visits the Municipal Council to exchange views and discuss the latest developments, challenges, and ways to enhance mutual cooperation. – KUNA photo
Kuwaiti Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Municipal Affairs, Dr Noura Al-Mashaan visits the Municipal Council to exchange views and discuss the latest developments, challenges, and ways to enhance mutual cooperation. – KUNA photo

Minister calls to speed up project implementation

KUWAIT: Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Municipal Affairs, Dr Noura Al-Mashaan, on Monday emphasized on the need to cooperate with the Ministry of Municipality and the Municipal Council so as to accelerate the pace of development projects. Dr Al-Mashaan stated to KUNA during her visit to the Municipal Council that this visit represented an opportunity to exchange views and discuss the latest developments, challenges, and ways to enhance mutual cooperation.

She highlighted the role played by the Municipal Council in development and in preserving the environment, stressing the need to strengthen communication and cooperation between the Ministry of Municipality and the Municipal Council to achieve role integration and accelerate the implementation of projects.

On his part, Chairman of the Municipal Council Abdullah Al-Mehri expressed appreciation for this visit in a similar statement to KUNA, praising the partnership between the Ministry of Municipality and the Municipal Council. Al-Mehri affirmed the Municipal Council’s commitment to supporting the efforts of the Ministry of Municipality and cooperating to develop municipal services and improve the quality of life in Kuwait. — KUNA

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