Rashid Al-Kandary
Rashid Al-Kandary

Al-Kandary attends Asian Triathlon Federation assembly

KUWAIT: Kuwait Triathlon Club and Federation president Rashid Al-Kandary attended the General Assembly of the Asian Federation as well as the Federation’s conference that was chaired by the Asian Triathlon Federation President HH Prince Faisal bin Jlewi. The meetings were held in Saudi Arabia from June 1st until the 4th.

Al-Kandari said his participation in the meetings was positive and successful. He said “the Asian General Assembly, as well as the meeting of West Asia aimed to develop the triathlon in Asia and the support of the International Federation for the “yellow continent, as the President Marisol Casado, head of technical committee Zita Csovelyak and head of the competitions committee Antonio Alvarez.

Al-Kandary said it was decided to hold the next Asian Championship at Al-Khubar City, Saudi Arabia, and the West Asia championship in Al-Fujaira, UAE. He said Kuwait nominated for membership in the competitions committee of the Asian Federation, adding that Kuwait Federation supports any championship in Asia. He said the Kuwait is always in support of the Palestinian Triathlon Federation and all its activities.

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