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Expert underlines the differences between teaching and educating

A fine line between teachers, educators

KUWAIT: The weaknesses in teacher performance within the educational system and the evident lack of interest among some educators, has created a concerning impact on the overall quality of education and the skills of graduates, including future teachers. Teachers educated by less qualified or disengaged instructors are now perpetuating this cycle of inadequate teaching, resulting in under-qualified students. Teaching is a profession that must be valued and approached with the utmost seriousness, as it fundamentally shapes the future of society.

Teachers and educators hold the keys to shaping the future of societies since education plays a major role in shaping societies. However, according to Kuwait Times’ interview with Mubarak AlEnezi, humanities and business teacher, these terms are often used interchangeably, but hold profound differences. Understanding these differences is crucial for recognizing the value of true education and ensuring that the individuals who lead our classrooms are not just imparting knowledge, but also inspiring, guiding, and nurturing the future society.

Mubarak AlEnezi
Mubarak AlEnezi

“There are distinct differences between teaching and educating. While all educators can be teachers, not all teachers are educators. Teachers focus on helping students learn and memorize the content of lessons. They manage classrooms and evaluate students through tests and quizzes. They might remember students’ names and faces. Educators go beyond these tasks. They understand the needs and desires of their students, identify their talents and skills, and help them grow as individuals. Educators recognize the strengths and weaknesses in their students’ personalities and work to develop them positively.”

“Educators are role models who guide students towards achieving their goals ethically. They emphasize the importance of education and learning for personal development and for contributing to the community. They also maintain important relationships with parents to support the ethical development of students’ skills,” he highlighted. Hence, being an educator requires talent and skill beyond just a career choice.

AlEnezi further emphasized on the necessity of genuine and ethical teaching performance, saying: “Individuals in this field must constantly evaluate their performance with students to decide if they are suited for this challenging and rewarding path. It requires time, dedication, and a commitment to personal and professional development. Choosing a career in education should be done with careful consideration of one’s abilities and ethical standards, as the wrong decision can lead to unqualified and unhappy individuals in the community.”

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