KUWAIT: 1964 -- The Amir Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah signs decree 111/1964 concerning anti-racism efforts at the workforce.

1965 -- Kuwait Central Blood Bank was established. The blood bank began as a one-room laboratory in Al-Amiri hospital before moving to Sharq area in 1970.  On April 4, 1980, the blood bank headquarters opened in Jabriya area.

1981 -- State of Kuwait signs the Gulf Cooperation Council’s (GCC) statute.1985 -- Motorcade of Kuwait Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah was attacked at 09:15 a.m. (local-time) while en route to his office at Seif Palace. A booby-trapped car attempted to ram into the motorcade. The explosion killed three people, including the suicidal driver and wounded many others. The Amir, following the incident, assured citizens of his safety and affirmed that the attack would not prevent Kuwait from serving Arab and Islamic causes.

1998 -- Hamad Essa Al-Rujaib passes away at the age of 76. He was known as a multifaceted innovator for his talents in the domains of literature, arts, music, and diplomacy. He was also credited as one of the founders of the Kuwaiti theater, he held the post of minister of social and labor affairs between 1981 and 1985.

1998 -- Kuwait Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah signs a decree to establish a company for leasing and investment with either Kuwaiti or foreign capital and even both. The company would be headquartered in Kuwait.

1999 -- Kuwait Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah signs a decree to reinforce protection of intellectual property rights in literature, arts and sciences.

1999 -- Kuwait Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah signs a decree in regards to ships violating UNSC resolutions and impounded in Kuwaiti territorial waters. The vessels would also be diverted to other destinations by the naval forces in accordance with UNSC resolutions.

1999 -- Kuwait Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah signed decree amending first article of the 1962 electoral law concerning election of members of the National Assembly, allowing Kuwaiti women to practice their political right in voting and running for parliamentary seats. The National Assembly rejected the bill on November 22, 1999.

2006 -- Sheikh Abdulaziz Saud Al-Sabah passes away at the age of 87. He was one of Kuwait’s leading figures in its early development stage in politics and economy.2007 -- Dr. Humoud Abdullah Al-Urguba passes away at age 57. Throughout the early mid-1980s and early 1990s, the late Al-Urguba held senior positions at Kuwait University (KU) and the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS). He won a seat in the National Assembly in 1996, and became minister of Oil and Water and Electricity in 1998.

 2014 -- Kuwait’s first conference on protecting data of industrial organization begins with the participation of 85 regional and international entities.

2016 -- Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) signs with Burkina Faso a loan agreement worth KD seven million (around USD 23 million) to help finance the construction of a road.

2018 -- Russian President Vladimir Putin decorates Bader Mohammad Al-Saad the Order of Friendship in recognition of his efforts to cement the Kuwaiti-Russian relations.

2020 -- The Cabinet decides to deem "martyrs of duty” all those Kuwaiti first responders and front-liners who passed away due to COVID-19.

2023 -- Kuwait University’s engineer Intisar Al-Shuhaimah wins a patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office for making an extractor used in dentistry.

2023 -- Actor Ahmad Jawhar passes away at 65 after a long and rich journey in drama and comedy. — KUNA