KUWAIT: Prime Minister-designate Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on Sunday received United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, and accompanying delegation on occasion of visit to the country. The meeting (also attended by Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya), handled discussion on cooperation between Kuwait and the UN as well as regional and international developments and efforts boosting peace and security both regionally and globally. - KUNA
KUWAIT: Prime Minister-designate Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on Sunday received United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, and accompanying delegation on occasion of visit to the country. The meeting (also attended by Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya), handled discussion on cooperation between Kuwait and the UN as well as regional and international developments and efforts boosting peace and security both regionally and globally. - KUNA

UN conference discusses Gaza, calls for ceasefire

International donors pledge over $2 billion for devastated Gaza

KUWAIT: The United Nations’ 9th Conference for Effective Partnership and Information Exchange for Better Humanitarian Action was held in Kuwait. Participants discussed humanitarian events in Gaza and across the world and the amount of donations that have been contributed to the campaign. The conference was also attended by Dr Bader Al Mutairi, Deputy Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs; Dr. Abdullah Al-Matouq, President of the International Islamic Charitable Organization and Special Advisor to the United Nations’ Secretary General; Joyce Msuya, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator; and the Turkish president’s son, Bilal Erdogan.

The conference of international donors pledged over $2 billion to aid the devastated Gaza Strip over seven months into the war between Israel and Hamas. The conference, organized by the International Islamic Charitable Organization (IICO) and the UN’s humanitarian coordination agency OCHA, said the funds would be dispersed over two years, with the possibility of extension, in efforts to support life-saving humanitarian interventions in the Palestinian territory.

It came during the visit of the UN’s president, Antonio Guterres, to Kuwait to discuss the distinguished relationship between Kuwait and the UN, efforts to support international peace and security, development efforts, and humanitarian initiatives, in addition to regional and international issues. “The war in Gaza is causing horrific human suffering, tearing people apart, as many are left hungry, homeless, and traumatized,” Guterres said.

“Amid the darkness, the commitment of the humanitarian community to help and support people is a ray of light. UNRWA is the backbone of the UN’s efforts in Gaza. It relies on partnerships to do its work. I would like to thank Kuwait, the international Islamic charity organization, and their partners,” he added, indicating that Kuwait has always been a beacon for humanitarian aid. Guterres concluded his speech by calling for an unconditional ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages.

Joyce Msuya, the Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, said: “The Kuwaiti government and the IICO convening this conference for the ninth time is a testament to their determination to reduce suffering around the world, and it comes at a critical time for the people of Gaza. The war in Gaza has become a moral stain on the conscience of our collective humanity."

For months, women and children have been killed at a rate that exceeds any war this century. “Those who’ve escaped death and injury now risk losing their lives because of a lack of food, safe water, medicine, and healthcare. Every day, scores of women give birth in horrifying conditions, often without anesthesia or medical aid, as bombs explode around them,” she added.

She said that they are advocating for the protection of civilians. “We have pulled people out of the rubble and repatriated the bodies of aid workers, including those working for World Central Kitchen and Médecins Sans Frontières, who were killed serving those in need. This war must end so that the Palestinian people can begin to confront the trauma inflicted on them,” she said, referring to the Secretary-General’s longstanding call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. “Just as OCHA, our partners continue to call with one voice for safe and sustained access to all those in need in Gaza. We are also working hand in hand to build and strengthen the partnerships that are central to the response, now and once the war ends,” Msuya added.

Head of the International Islamic Charitable Organization, Dr. Abdullah Al-Matouq, said that OCHA came to discuss the dimensions of the humanitarian crisis in the war-ravaged sector, participate in supporting the early recovery process in the post-disaster phase, devise effective solutions, and develop sustainable mechanisms for reconstruction to enable around 2.4 million Palestinians to return to their normal lives. “This conference is also launched in strategic partnership with the Peace Society for Humanitarian and Charitable Work in Kuwait, Qatar Charity, the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, Islamic Relief in Birmingham, and the Charity Foundation in the United Kingdom,” he added.

For his part, Dr. Nabil Al-Aoun, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Al-Salam Association for Humanitarian and Charitable Works, said: “Al-Salam Society succeeded in this partnership with the Charitable Organization to support Gazans. They have dispatched over 20 air cargo planes and 257 trucks carrying 6,705 tons of aid, including medical devices and equipment, 20 ambulances, more than 6,000 tents and 1,000 beds, 258 portable toilets, huge electrical machines, 65 refrigerators powered by solar energy, various foodstuffs, and clothes.”

CEO of Qatar Charity, Yousef Al-Kuwari, said: “We worked for 200 days through our relief interventions. We participated in sending 95 aircraft in partnership between Qatar Charity and the Fund,” he said, indicating that Qatar Development and a number of charitable organizations handed 2,800 tons of aid to nearly 700,000 beneficiaries. “We also distributed approximately 845 tons of food supplies, provided 1,600 tents, and more than 44,000 packages of medical supplies, shelter, and clothing. Thanks to the support of benefactors from Qatar,” he added.

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