The Office of the Assistant Dean for Planning, Consulting, and Training at the College of Engineering and Petroleum organizes an training program for gas manufacturing engineers.
The Office of the Assistant Dean for Planning, Consulting, and Training at the College of Engineering and Petroleum organizes an training program for gas manufacturing engineers.

KU organizes integrated program for engineers

KUWAIT: The Office of the Assistant Dean for Planning, Consulting, and Training at the College of Engineering and Petroleum held the “Integrated Training Program” for oil sector employees. The “Integrated Training Program for Gas Manufacturing Engineers” was launched on Sunday, April 21, 2024, and was organized by the Office of the Assistant Dean for Planning, Consulting, and Training at the College of Engineering and Petroleum.

The training program was inaugurated by the Acting Assistant Dean for Planning, Consulting, and Training, Dr. Abdullah Al-Ajmi, who welcomed the participants in the training course and wished them success, indicating that this course is provided by a group of faculty members at the college. “The most prominent objectives are to increase acquaintance and communication between participants from the oil sectors in Kuwait, namely KOC, KNPC, KIPIC, KGOC, and KPC, and to enhance knowledge and relationships between engineers in various oil subsidiaries,” he said.

The Acting Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department, Dr. Mabkhout Al-Dosari, welcomed the participants, noting that this training course was requested by the participating oil companies in cooperation with the College of Engineering and Petroleum. He added that a case study will be made by the engineering companies for the participants in this course in cooperation with the faculty members, with the aim of solving any current problem in the work environment.

The 3-week training course was lectured by a number of faculty members from the Department of Petroleum Engineering, namely Dr. Adel Al-Sharqawi, Dr. Osama Al-Omair, Dr. Firas Al-Rahimani and Dr. Fahd Al-Mudaris, and from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Hisham Al-Toni, Prof. Dr. Haitham Lababidi, Dr. Bader Al-Busairi, Dr. Suleiman Al-Qallaf, Dr. Essam Neck, Dr. Mohammed Al-Ajmi, Dr. Yousef Al-Shamlan, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Herz, Dr. Mohammed Al-Hajri and Dr. Farah Al-Dawish.

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