Officials and ambassador attending the event.
Officials and ambassador attending the event.

Embassy marks Belgian-Kuwaiti diplomatic ties

KUWAIT: The Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium to Kuwait held a reception on Tuesday, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Belgian-Kuwaiti diplomatic relations. During his remarks, Ambassador of Belgium Christian Dooms stated “The diplomatic relations between Kuwait and Belgium officially began in 1963, and in 1964 Ambassador Willy Stevens presented his credentials to His Highness the Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, to become Belgium’s first ambassador to Kuwait. In 1985, Kuwait opened its embassy in Belgium.”

He noted that from the beginning, the two countries supported and developed these relations in the best interest of their citizens and ensured their continuity. “The celebration of the 60th anniversary of our diplomatic relations is a festive event, which I am glad to share with you. Since Belgium is a founding member of the European Union, I am particularly proud to host this reception as part of the celebrations during Europe Month,” the ambassador said, adding that both countries share a lot of common values, and are both keen to strengthen the multilateral environment, based on international law.

Ambassador of Belgium Christian Dooms speaks during the event. -  Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat
Ambassador of Belgium Christian Dooms speaks during the event. - Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat

As Belgium assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the ambassador pointed out that Belgium is committed to bolstering EU-GCC ties remain steadfast, continuing that they are dedicated to fostering diplomatic dialogue and seeking peaceful resolutions to the crises that impact the region, affirming that his team are prepared to work diligently to deepen ties with partners and laying the foundation for another six decades of friendship and cooperation to strive and build a future based on mutual respect, understanding, and prosperity for all involved.

The Belgian ambassador praised Kuwaiti history researcher Essa Dashti, saying “I would like to thank Dashti who devoted a big part of his time and energy to the publication of two insightful booklets, highlighting the Kuwaiti-Belgian relations in photos.” He added, “Dashti has also been one of the driving forces in the setting up of the successful exhibition of Kuwaiti-Belgian relations at the National Library of Kuwait two days ago.”

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