KUWAIT: Chairman of the board of the Cancer Aware Nation (CAN) campaign, Dr. Khalid Ahmad Al-Saleh, described volunteers’ visit at the NBK Children Hospital (Sabah Health Zone) as part of the efforts to instill the value of good deeds in our children and the feeling of being an example for charity work and helping others.

Dr. Al-Saleh said CAN, since its establishment 18 years ago, has several goals within its renewable strategy, the most important of which is to promote societal awareness about cancer diseases and healthy lifestyles, as well as promote the culture of giving, particularly in children. "We dedicate a large number of our activities to teaching children good behavior, and we will continue to make them think in several ways to extend their support with or without our participation through their personal motivation, and we feel that we have succeeded in creating charitable hearts.”

KUWAIT: Cancer Aware Nation representatives and volunteers visit kids at the NBK Children Hospital (Sabah Health Zone).

He urged people to focus on the most important signs that could possibly indicate early signs of cancer, including weight loss, fever, headache attacks, pain or swelling in bones or joints, and sometimes the appearance of bruises, bleeding, or skin rashes. Dr. Al-Saleh appreciated the role of partners and thanked the NBK hospital’s director, Dr. Ali Al-Mulla, for facilitating the visit, as well as volunteers and the media. Dr. Al-Saleh called upon establishments and individuals to participate in CAN’s initiatives.