GAZA: A second Kuwaiti medical delegation entered Gaza on Monday through the Rafah border crossing to support healthcare in Gaza by conducting surgical operations on injured Palestinians. The head of the delegation and deputy general manager of Kuwait Society for Relief Omar Al-Thuwaini told KUNA that the delegation entered Gaza on Sunday and was set to continue its operations for seven straight days.

The main reason for the visit is to "reinforce the broken healthcare system in Gaza”, said Thuwaini, pointing to moral and psychological support with 11 medical doctors participating with specialties ranging in surgery, ophthalmology, urology and neurosurgery. He added the delegation carried seven tons of medical supplies to aid the medical team in Gaza.

Thuwaini affirmed that this mission was possible thanks to Kuwait’s relentless and ongoing support towards Palestine and its people, hoping that it would succeed in relieving affected Palestinians. The first Kuwaiti medical delegation entered Gaza last month and was the first of its kind, sent by Kuwait Red Crescent Society. — KUNA