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Words that Linger in our memories

KUWAIT: Words are just words, but the way they are conveyed is what makes them hit differently. The tone, timing and expressions that accompany them can create the greatest transformation spells on people. However, as people depart, facial features are forgotten and tones of voices fade away, the memory of kind words can persist for decades. To mark the International Day of Happiness, Kuwait Times invited people to share cherished words that have brought joy to their hearts.

Dina Nemr: On a day when my dad was very ill last year, I was sitting beside him taking care of him. I looked into his eyes and asked him, “Daddy, do you love me?” Despite his exhaustion, he met my gaze with a soft and gentle expression, whispering back, “Very much.” Since he was never good at articulating his feelings, saying those words felt like releasing all the love that he had bottled up for years. Though “very much” may seem like simple words, their impact on me remains remarkably vivid until this day. It felt like a message from God before my dad’s passing, reassuring me that my dad always held deep affection for me.

Nada Dawood: Amidst a hectic day at work, even though I looked stressed and exhausted, a young girl whom I didn’t know approached me and said, “I’ve been seeing you for the past few days, and every time I saw you, I wanted to come and tell you how beautiful you are.” Whenever I recall her words, a smile spreads across my face involuntarily. Though I haven’t met that girl again, I never forgot her. Now, whenever I encounter someone who looks lovely, I make sure to express it aloud because I realized how much they might yearn to hear such affirmations.

Raneem Magdy: “You are the first person I turn to whenever I feel lonely. I can’t imagine us growing apart.” I saved this message on my phone a while ago when my best friend sent it to me, and I find myself rereading it often.

Rudina Ghanem: Months ago, during my training as a doctor in the hospital, my teacher approached me and said, “You are going to be a successful doctor one day. Do you know why? Because you are hardworking and eager to learn.” Despite my constant self-blame for not studying well enough during this time, I felt immense happiness and motivation knowing that someone recognized my efforts no matter what.

Ghadeer Ghloum: I remember when my mum told me, “You are worth the whole world to me.” I believe no tangible or intangible force in the world could rob me of the feeling I experienced that day. Not only did it make me feel like I was a priority to my family, but I also felt surrounded by an immense amount of love and warmth.

Samy Yasser: “Always stay as you are, and never stop being yourself.” Since I heard these words, I’ve grown more confident in myself and increasingly determined never to let the ugliness in people change who I truly am.

Hassan Fahd: “Thank you for existing.”

Nadine Abdullah: “I am proud of you”. Sometimes when the whole world is against you, hearing words like these is all you need.

Zainab Al-Mashhour: “You are Pure”. I love hearing this word; it takes me back to my younger days when I used to hear it often. Now, whenever someone says it to me, it serves as a gentle reminder of my true self, which I’m grateful to have preserved on my journey.

Laila Mahmoud: “You are one of the most beautiful creations of God.” My entire demeanor shifted upon hearing those words. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards God for allowing others to recognize the goodness within me effortlessly.

Hana Ghanem: “Whoever has you in his life must be so lucky.”

Mariam Moustafa: “You make me feel so happy.”

Rana Ghassan: “You are so innocent.” Despite often being criticized for being overly kind to people and trusting their intentions, I cherish hearing words like these, as they remind me of the importance of preserving this rare trait within me.

Jana Nassar: “You are very rare.” It made me feel that every good deed I’ve done for anyone is truly meaningful to them and was worth all the effort.

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