Assistant Undersecretary for Media Services Sector and New Media at the Ministry of Information Saad Al-Azmi
Assistant Undersecretary for Media Services Sector and New Media at the Ministry of Information Saad Al-Azmi

Platform 51: The information ministry’s streaming gateway

KUWAIT: Platform 51 exceeds traditional broadcasting models by delivering content via wireless waves to smart devices globally, said a Kuwaiti official on Sunday. The platform, set to launch on May 12, is designed to keep pace with modern technologies in the field of media and to create a suitable option for Kuwaiti families within the ministry’s guidelines.

This can be done simply by using login credentials from their preferred subscription service, Assistant Undersecretary for Media Services Sector and New Media at the Ministry of Information Saad Al-Azmi told KUNA.

The decision to launch Platform 51 on the aforementioned date came to celebrate the establishment of Radio Kuwait on May 12, 1951, he pointed out. Al-Azmi emphasized that the world, including media, has transitioned into a digital era marked by significant technological advancements. The platform’s launch was inspired by the guidance and support of Minister of Information and Culture Abdurrahman Al-Mutairi to create a digital platform for the ministry’s TV channels, radio stations, and online content. — KUNA

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