Experts from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman discussing the Gulf tourism during the conference.- Photos by Yesser Al-Zayyat
Experts from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman discussing the Gulf tourism during the conference.- Photos by Yesser Al-Zayyat

Ministry reviews tourism experiences

Info Ministry organizes ‘Tourism Communication’ conference

KUWAIT: Under the patronage of the Minister of Information and Culture Abdulrahman Badah Al-Mutairi, the ministry of information organized on Tuesday a “Tourism Communication” conference to review successful tourism experiences in the Arabian Gulf region and communicate with specialized local authorities.

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Information Dr Nasser Muhaisen emphasized the significance of tourism communication between GCC countries, highlighting its pivotal role in fostering partnerships and exchanging regional and international expertise and experiences, thereby promoting mutual understanding and collaboration in this vital sector. He underscored the focus of the conference on exploring Gulf tourism experiences and enhancing the sector’s vitality through collaboration with specialists and private industry.

Muhaisen highlighted the crucial role played by civil society in bolstering the tourism industry, emphasizing tourism’s pivotal role in fostering prosperity. He elaborated on its significance as a major sector providing investment opportunities and generating income for the country. He emphasized the need to fortify the tourism concept and enhance facilities within this vital sector to fully harness its potential. “In Kuwait, where ample opportunities for tourism projects exist, efforts are underway to attract foreign investments through entertainment programs, thereby stimulating economic growth and diversification.”

Basmah Al-Mayman, the Middle East regional director at the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), said: “What we are witnessing in the region is the best evidence of the development of tourism regionally. Our optimism for the future of the tourism sector is buoyed by the multitude of developments, initiatives and proposals aimed at bolstering its sustainability and expanding infrastructure.”

She added the Middle East is still the only region in the world that has recovered and went back to the tourism levels of 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic, noting the election of Kuwait to hold the positions of Vice-Presidents of the General Assembly and the Credentials Committee of WTO is the best evidence of the position it enjoys in the organization and among Arab countries.

“These efforts are poised to create an environment conducive to investment opportunities, thereby fostering growth and innovation within the tourism industry. With a focus on enhancing infrastructure and encouraging investments, we remain committed to driving forward the tourism sector and realizing its full potential for economic prosperity and cultural exchange,” Mayman said.

Regarding Kuwait, Mayman stated Kuwait pays great attention to the tourism sector, which is one of the bases of the government’s action plan for 2022-2026 and in commitment to the New Kuwait 2035 vision.

“Developing the tourism sector will contribute to attracting investments and providing job opportunities for citizens, where tourism is one of the most important sectors after oil. I am very confident that the Kuwaiti tourism sector will witness significant growth in the coming years. Uniting efforts and cooperation is the way to a safe return, to enjoy authentic Kuwaiti and Gulf touristic experiences by applying local marketing strategies and advertising campaigns that will undoubtedly have an impact in highlighting Kuwait, which is distinguished by its attractions, including sea, entertainment and shopping,” Mayman pointed out.

During the panel discussions, the conference delved into various aspects of Gulf tourism, including strategies to empower the sector, its economic impact and sustainability concerns. Moreover, experts examined the challenges and opportunities facing Gulf tourism, emphasizing the importance of effective public relations in Kuwait’s tourism resurgence. Additionally, the significance of festivals and exhibitions in attracting tourists was underscored as a key component of the region’s tourism promotion efforts. Also, they highlighted the role of the hotel industry in driving tourism growth and discussed the influence of regulations and legislation on the sector’s development.

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