German officials will investigate how Berlin film festival winners were able to make "one-sided” comments condemning the Zionist entity’s attack on Gaza at the event’s finale, a government spokeswoman said on Monday.

At Saturday’s awards ceremony, several winners were accused of making anti-Semitic remarks on stage in relation to the entity’s nearly five-month military assault, which it claims is in retaliation for an attack carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023.

The Hamas attack on October 7 killed 1,160 people in the Zionist entity, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally of official Zionist figures. The Zionist retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 29,782 people in Gaza, mostly women and children, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

US filmmaker Ben Russell, wearing a Palestinian scarf, accused the Zionist entity of committing "genocide” with its bombardment of the densely populated Gaza Strip. Palestinian filmmaker Basel Adra said the Palestinian population were being "massacred” by the Zionist entity, to applause from the audience.

"It is unacceptable that ... the terrorist attack by Hamas on 7 October was not mentioned,” German government spokeswoman Christiane Hoffmann told a press briefing in Berlin on Monday. Chancellor Olaf Scholz "agrees that such a one-sided stance cannot be allowed to stand”, she said. "In any debate on this topic, it is of course important to keep in mind the event that triggered this renewed escalation of the Middle East conflict — namely the Hamas attack on 7 October”, she added.

The culture minister and the Berlin mayor will review what happened and hold talks with the festival’s incoming director to ensure it does not happen in future, she said. But Culture Minister Claudia Roth and mayor Kai Wegner have also found themselves in hot water over the ceremony. A report in top tabloid Bild carried a picture it said showed the pair applauding Adra’s remarks.

Germany — influenced by its own dark history during World War II, when millions of Jews were killed by the Nazis — has steadfastly backed the Zionist entity following the October 7 attack. The festival, known as the Berlinale, receives substantial government funding.

Asked whether the funding would now be reviewed, Hoffmann said the current focus was on ensuring such incidents were not repeated. After controversy erupted at the weekend, the film festival put out a statement late on Sunday saying that winners’ remarks were "independent, individual opinions (which) in no way reflect the position of the festival”. But, it added, "We understand the outrage, and that the statements of some of the award winners were perceived as too one-sided.” — AFP