KUWAIT: Al-Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) is proud to announce the revamp of its Al-Jabriya branch, further cementing its dedication to providing its customers with convenient and innovative banking solutions. The grand opening was attended by Abdulla Al-Sumait, Acting Group Chief Executive Officer; Loai Muqames, CEO-Kuwait; and Johair Marafi, General Manager of Retail Banking, among other members of the Bank’s Executive Management.

ABK has also allocated a section in the new Al-Jabriya branch to serve its Private Banking customers, ensuring the highest levels of privacy and meeting all their needs according to the highest standards of excellence in the banking sector. This initiative is a testament to ABK’s commitment to modernity and customer-centric designs. On this occasion, Muqames expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "The Al-Jabriya branch reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional banking and meeting the evolving needs of our customers. We are excited to introduce a space that embodies convenience, aesthetics, and technological advancement.”

He continued, "This initiative aligns with our effort to provide accessible banking services complemented by sophistication. We aspire for our customers to continue to experience our commitment to convenience and excellence firsthand.”

Abdulla Al-Sumait, Loai Muqames, Johair Marafi, Afrah Al-Arbash and the bank’s team.

Adding to this, Marafi conveyed her content, stating, "The integration of design and technology in our new branch showcases our dedication to serving our customers in a comfortable and forward-thinking environment. We are thrilled to continue to deliver exceptional customer service.” Revamping the Al-Jabriya branch plays a significant role in enhancing ABK’s banking experience. Through its well-thought elements, the modern and welcoming atmosphere contributes to a positive customer journey, making banking transactions more pleasant and engaging. By creating an inviting space, ABK expressed its desire to strengthen brand loyalty, foster trust, and make banking more accessible.

Furthermore, the integration of digital technology into the new branch is a strategic move to enhance convenience and efficiency. With interactive displays and self-service options, the Bank offers streamlined options, reducing waiting times and offering the flexibility to manage transactions independently. This milestone marks ABK’s ongoing endeavor to build and maintain its brand image, solidifying its commitment to enhancing customers’ banking experiences across the country. The Al-Jabriya branch is part of the Bank’s continuous mission to provide cutting edge banking solutions, improve service quality, and elevate the overall customer journey overtime.