Iranian Ambassador Mohammad Toutounchi and Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Samih Gohar Hayat tour the Iranian exhibition on the sidelines of the ceremony - Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat
Iranian Ambassador Mohammad Toutounchi and Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Samih Gohar Hayat tour the Iranian exhibition on the sidelines of the ceremony - Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat

Iran Embassy marks National Day, Islamic Revolution ‘versary

KUWAIT: The Embassy of Iran to Kuwait held on Sunday a reception on the National Day of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution at Salwa Sabah Al-Ahmad Hall. Iranian Ambassador Mohammad Toutounchi underscored the Islamic Republic of Iran’s commitment to fostering balanced relations with neighboring countries, emphasizing a pragmatic approach rooted in understanding the political dynamics of the region.

Toutounchi highlighted Iran’s reliance on reconciliation and the shared religious and cultural bonds that serve to strengthen ties with neighboring nations. He emphasized the significance of looking beyond points of contention, instead focusing on the religious and popular commonalities that bind communities together, pointing out that Iran’s relations with Kuwait transcend mere official interactions, citing deep-rooted connections forged through familial ties, intermarriage and a historical legacy of commercial exchanges. These enduring bonds have contributed to the development of robust and enduring relations between the two nations.

“The issuance of 100,000 visas to Kuwaiti citizens to visit Iran for tourism and medical purposes serves as tangible evidence of the enduring and authentic ties between the two nations. This significant gesture underscores the depth of the relationship, demonstrating Iran’s commitment to facilitating cultural exchange and fostering mutual understanding. By opening its doors to Kuwaiti citizens, Iran not only promotes tourism but also strengthens people-to-people connections, further solidifying the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two countries,” Toutounchi said.

The Iranian ambassador indicated that with the passage of 62 years of diplomatic relations between Iran and Kuwait, Iran found balanced relations existing between the two countries, and today they are in the process of investing in current experiences to create relations that are moving further. “We hope that at this stage, we will witness practical initiatives from both sides to strengthen bilateral relations,” he added.

Toutounchi made a strong statement condemning the abhorrent Zionist aggression against Gaza and the tragic loss of thousands of Palestinian lives, highlighting these acts as war crimes exacerbated by the silence or even support of major countries. He underscored the urgent need for international solidarity in the face of such atrocities, especially considering the widespread global sympathy towards the plight of the Palestinian people. By calling attention to the ongoing violence and advocating for collective action, the ambassador emphasized the imperative of holding accountable those responsible for the atrocities and working towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Gaza.

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