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Burgan Bank announces Kanz account monthly draw winners

KUWAIT: Burgan Bank announced on Saturday the names of the Kanz account monthly draw winners, who will each take home a KD 2,000 cash-prize. All Kanz customers who maintain a minimum balance of KD 200 for at least one week before the draw date, are included in the draw, and their chances of winning increase with higher deposits.

The 20 lucky winners are:

• Ali Hasan Alawadh

• Anesa Ibrahim Dardab

• Aydhah Mazyad Al-Otaibi

• Fahad Abdulkareem Al-Qattan

• Sheikh Fahad Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah

• Fayedh Oudah Al-Shammari

• Habeeb Jaafar Ismaeil

• Mohammad Abdulmohsen Qarouni

• Mohammad Ghuloum Abdullah

• Mohammad Khazaal Al-Fadhli

• Sheikh Mubarak Faisal Al-Sabah

• Najeeba Saleh Al-Hamdan

• Noor Abdallah Al-Mhaiteeb

• Sayed Ali Al-Mousawi

• Shareefah Faisal Al-Qattan

• Sleh Abdullah Hamdi

• Talal Abdullah Al-Mutairi

• Tasawar Hussain Munawar

• Sheikh Aabah Al-Ahmad Hamad Al-Sabah donated to the good charity foundation projects

• Zohra Abass Gheewala

In addition to the monthly draw of Kanz account, Burgan Bank also offers a semi-annual KD 500,000 prize and a mega annual prize of KD 1,500,000. Kanz Account is accessible to any individual and can be opened in Kuwaiti Dinar or in major currencies (USD, EURO, GDP) with a minimum KD 200 requirement for account opening. More information on opening a Kanz account, the draws or any of the Bank’s products and services, is available at any of Burgan Bank branches, through the Call Center at 1804080 and Burgan Bank website

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