Gehan Abdulazeez at Siwa Oasis.
Gehan Abdulazeez at Siwa Oasis.

Offbeat in the offseason

Travelers recount their favorite winter sojourns

While beachy destinations and sunny countries often steal the spotlight in travel discussions, the charm of winter tourism deserves its due appreciation. Winter tourism provides a refreshing alternative for those seeking a different kind of adventure and a break from the usual warm-weather escapes. Kuwait Times spoke with travelers to explore their best destinations in winter.

Shahrukh Ashfaqullah Khan told Kuwait Times about the wonders of Russia’s Caucasus. “One afternoon, I suddenly left my residence to go alone on a bike ride 22,000 feet high, away from humans in search of those beautiful mountains and landscapes that I used to see in poetry books as a child and dreamt about. I slept every day in tents, ate noodles made on rocks, drank melting water from glaciers, slept in the snow under the stars and repaired my bike in the mountains. Yeah, it was all breathtaking because there is less oxygen up there,” he recounted.

“It was an amazing adventure; high altitude gives less oxygen to the body and people faint. Even the tyre pressure on the motorcycle keeps fluctuating. I had to carry a small oxygen cylinder in my bag. No gas stations too, so I carried extra fuel cans too. I am fond of raw adventures. I travel, explore, meet people of different regions and nationalities, learn their language, experience their culture, and taste life,” Khan added.

Meanwhile, South Korea was Karim Aly’s favorite destination in winter. “I traveled to Seoul in 2019 in early winter. It’s a perfect destination during the winter season, as you can visit many places, for instance, temples, forests and hiking trails. Indoor activities include virtual reality entertainment stores, national libraries and malls,” he noted.

Aly said during his journey to South Korea, he was surprised that the airport was fully automated with modern machines. He was met by a “Dalek”, a small robot that helped him reach the gate, offered him multiple services and asked if he needed transportation to the hotel or a recommendation for a place to stay.

“I visited a place called Gyeongbokgung Palace, which is famous for its historic shrines and beautiful nature. It’s a place where you can experience the history of South Korea; moreover, you can wear traditional South Korean attire called the hanbok. The next day I was looking forward to visiting the virtual reality station in a place called Gangnam, where you can experience a thrilling world of rapid river adventures, go-kart competitions and alien space battles,” he added.

“The following day I took the train to a city called Busan, which is nearly two hours from Seoul by KTX train. It was a little cloudy that day, but I enjoyed walking in the city in a place called Citizens Park. It’s indeed a breathtaking place to walk and enjoy nature in the middle of the city,” Aly recalled.

Koray thinks Barcelonnette, in the heart of the French Alps, beckons with its breathtaking landscapes, a symphony of nature that unfolds in every direction. Towering alpine peaks paint a majestic backdrop, inviting you to explore the untamed beauty that graces this charming corner of France.

“As you embark on your journey, let the landscapes guide your narrative. Picture-perfect meadows adorned with wildflowers unfold like a vibrant tapestry under the shadow of snowcapped mountains. As the sun sets behind the mountains, casting a warm glow on the landscape, reflect on the journey. Your exploration of Barcelonnette isn’t just a physical one — it’s a sensory and emotional immersion into a world were nature and culture dance in harmony,” Koray explained.

Gehan Abdulazeez affirmed that Siwa Oasis is the best winter destination. “Siwa Oasis is a remote and mystical place in the Western Desert of Egypt near the Libyan border. It is one of the most ancient and culturally rich oases in the country, with a history that dates back to the 10th millennium BC,” she told Kuwait Times.

“As a group of friends from different backgrounds who were looking for a new adventure and a relaxing authentic experience in Egypt, we found Siwa Oasis a perfect winter escape destination with its natural beauty, crystal-clear springs and vast dunes. We enjoyed the mild and sunny weather during the daytime and had to wear warm jackets after a breathtaking sunset by Fantas Lake from the top of the Temple of the Oracle, where Alexander the Great consulted Amun, and the Shali Fortress, a mudbrick citadel that dominates the town. The people were super friendly and hospitable, and the food was very delicious and organic,” Abdulazeez enthused.

Abdulazeez indicated that Siwa Oasis offers a variety of activities, such as swimming in salt lakes and in the springs, exploring ancient tombs and temples, riding camels or bikes in the desert, going for handicraft and date shopping, or simply enjoying the tranquility and serenity of the oasis. She affirmed that Siwa Oasis is a real hidden gem in Egypt that deserves more attention and appreciation, and is a place where travelers can immerse themselves in the culture and nature of the oasis and discover a different side of Egypt that is often overlooked.

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