Cairo: The Arab League Secretary-General, Ahmad Abul- Gheit, condemned Saturday the Houthi's attempt to target Al-Daba oil port in the Hadhramaut Governorate, southeast of Yemen, with foreign-made drones.

In a statement, Abul-Gheit said "the dangerous Houthi escalation at this time represents a disregard and a challenge to the tireless international and regional efforts aimed at renewing the truce in Yemen." Abul-Gheit also appealed to the concerned international parties to continue to fulfill their humanitarian obligations, to close the humanitarian funding gap in Yemen, and to continue efforts to remove landmines and other types of explosives that leave victims on a daily basis.

Meantime, the Arab Parliament denounced the Houthi's attempt to target Al-Daba oil port in the Hadhramaut Governorate.