By Yousof Al-Ameeri

There will be a day when we sit down to tell and teach our children and grandchildren, how heroes emerged from our people who are small in numbers but large in value and status. We’ll tell them how the entire world stood beside our people at a sad time during which oppression and darkness prevailed, as they carried the beacons of light and freedom in an unprecedented unity. A marble plate welcomes you at the entrance of Kuwait House of National Works (KHNW), which carries something from the spirit of the famous speech of the late Egyptian President Mohammad Anwar Al-Sadat to be the best witness of the close relations between Arab victories, as from the October war to the Kuwait Liberation war there are stories and examples that generations pass from one to another.

Yet, on August 2, the anniversary of the heinous Iraqi occupation, and later on the occasion of liberation, the question always remains: what did we prepare for the next generations so that they understand the lesson learned from their history and the struggle of their fathers and grandfathers? I say that while KHNW is shackled with restrictions that keep our children from viewing the panorama that speaks of an important era of our beloved country’s history. When you search for the reasons for these restrictions, you cannot but laugh.

An appeal to liberate and protect KHNW
An appeal to liberate and protect KHNW
An appeal to liberate and protect KHNW

But it’s a laughter closer to crying, as tears crystallized in the eyes, and tongues became dry because of the many appeals for removing these restrictions, in hopes that someone listens to the sound of reason while officials and MPs are preoccupied with trivial matters. On August 2, your children will sit at home and ask you about the secret behind the state granting an official holiday for everyone on this day. His questions are justified as the party that documents the incident of occupation and later the liberation, which we celebrate on February 26 each year, is restricted from performing its role.

As if someone wants to wipe off an era that bears witness of our courageous people’s struggles from the entire world. For anyone who forgot or is pretending to forget, KHNW was established in 1977 for the sake of documenting the epic of independence and was opened under the patronage of the late Father Amir Sheikh Saad Al-Abdallah, and the then Information Minister Yousuf Al-Sumait represented him. This national monument includes a panorama, museum, cinema theater and a hall for allies with the participation of 29 countries in addition to three museums abroad -- in Britain, Senegal and Bulgaria.

There have also been 27 twinning agreements signed to grant Kuwait a permanent ward in those countries’ national museums. Yet, it is strange that the times have changed, and this major national monument is being tampered with. I say that what is happening to KHNW is deliberate negligence of the right of future generations to learn the history of their country, which this national museum documents.

What happened to KHNW is illegal and brings out many rightful questions about the secret or goal behind what is happening. I, in my capacity, personally appeal to HH the Amir Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, HH the Prime Minister, Information and Culture Minister and members of Parliament as this appeal brings out the spirit of patriotism to liberate KHNW from this imposed frozen state. This is a national duty towards future generations to which history will bear witness.

Note: Yousuf Al-Ameeri is the head of Kuwait House of National Works