KUWAIT: For the second consecutive year, Alghanim Industries, part of the Kutayba Alghanim Group, has demonstrated its continued commitment to community outreach by participating in the Kuwait Red Crescent Society’s (KRCS) Back to School Campaign. This year’s involvement was marked by a special one-day event over the weekend where employees and their families assembled 2,000 school kits, each complete with essential stationary items.

The timing of the event on a single weekend day was strategic, allowing employees, their children, and extended family members to engage collectively in this philanthropic endeavor. The one-day format focused the efforts and amplified the impact, resulting in the rapid assembly and distribution of the school kits. This approach also highlights the communal ethos Alghanim Industries nurtures within its team.

By planning the event for a weekend, the company made it possible for family members to contribute to the effort, emphasizing the importance of community engagement in its corporate culture. Assembled in coordination with KRCS, these school kits were promptly distributed to meet the needs of the current academic year. The timeliness of the distribution ensures that the recipients, children in need, are well-equipped with the necessary resources as they embark on their educational journey for the year.

In addition to the Back to School Campaign, Alghanim Industries has a history of supporting KRCS in other avenues. These include but are not limited to contributions during the holy month of Ramadan and participation in humanitarian projects that address various community needs at a regional level.

This one-day event serves not only as a snapshot of the company’s community involvement but also as an exemplar of the kinds of impactful activities Alghanim Industries seeks to promote in association with its community partners, including KRCS.