KUWAIT: Alghanim Industries (Kutayba Alghanim Group), one of the largest privately-owned companies in the region, hosted an interactive seminar for young programmers at Kuwait Codes, an initiative launched by CODED Academy and sponsored by Alghanim Industries.
The seminar which was led by Saleem Hammad, Senior General Manager and Ahmed Shahroor, Senior E-Commerce Manager from Alghanim Industries, was also attended by CODED Academy co-founder and CEO, Ahmed Marafi and is aimed at developing the youth in the country and helping them to familiarize themselves with the changing technologies of the digital world.
During the event, Kuwait Codes students attended a brief lecture on multiple topics related to the digital sphere and the importance of coding in the job market. The cohort then participated in a question-and-answer session, where they discussed the challenges and accomplishments of their programming projects.
KUWAIT: Participants at the Kuwait Codes program
Additionally, the seminar discussion also showcased the business acumen of the cohort's brightest members, as they shared their experiences in turning the coding skills provided by Kuwait Codes instructors into active businesses. Employees from Alghanim Industries' e-commerce sector also spoke at the seminar to give the students an overview about the administrative side of running a company with a strong digital presence.
The team at CODED Academy also expressed a shared goal in developing the youth in the country, with its Kuwait Codes program which offers four distinct programs-iOS programming, Android programming, website design, and videogame development.
Beyond the basic programming languages required to set up the digital basis of a coding project, Kuwait Codes also provides guidance from a team of longtime coding professionals and passionate graduates of its programs, to create an overall initiative that is both self-sustaining and centered around the community. Alghanim Industries operates a number of youth focused initiatives throughout the year, from internship programs in business units to the company's flagship Alghanim Academy.