The land border disputes between Kuwait and its neighbors are issues with broad dimensions. These disputes sometimes become the subject of tensions and stir negative feelings between brotherly people — something the British imperialism created intentionally when they contributed to drawing the borders. Today, we see that the dispute has expanded into the marine borders, particularly with our neighbor Iran. The newest escalation is over Al-Durrah field which exists in Kuwait’s territorial waters and whose natural resources are shared between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.Border issues are solved by international treaties and are managed by Kuwait’s government through the foreign ministry. The government can reach understandings and do whatever is necessary, as well as use the help of national experts and others to guarantee Kuwait’s right in its natural wealth. We in Kuwait follow a strategy that focuses on reducing tension in any issue between us and our neighbor Iran. In fact, we have a Kuwait-Iran friendship society, and each side works on maintaining peaceful relations.But this time, it will be difficult to let this dispute go peacefully, because it relates to a major treasure hidden underwater and there is no room for compromise when it comes to it. Observers can easily notice some writers presenting pre-emptive writings in which they attempt to intervene and calm the heated atmosphere and achieve balance between Kuwait’s and Iran’s interests. Iran succeeded in promoting the wrong image to find a foothold in Al-Durrah field. Despite the attempts of some educated individuals to explain the truth of the matter and show how making demands for something you have no share in is not the right way, there are those who are trying to mediate, give concessions and bring arguments without evidence and spread it among people.This effort may have bad repercussions, not to mention that it is also against the country’s interest. These attempts have created continued apprehension amongst the people of the nation and threatened to expand racism and sectarianism among a small population who cannot bear any more divisions. Kuwait suffered previously from the Abdally cell. This suffering was because of a few who committed a crime, and they were sentenced in court. The suffering was because of those who attempted to politicize the court ruling and belittle it with the claim of reducing tension.Today, Al-Durrah field will bring back the polarizations. Some people began to write columns as a prelude to side with Iran, and most of what is written is just taking sides that will soon be followed by manufacturing evidence. Such writings usually are not replied to because they are written with goals that are far away from justice, and therefore replying to them would not serve Kuwait. I believe that we should stop presenting topics such as Al-Durrah field. We should stop talking about it and leave the entire issue to officials and experts, as no matter the result is, it will be much less harmful than instigating conflicts and promoting lack of confidences which some individuals are seeking.Kuwait, our homeland, is for all, and those who feel they are targeted or treated unfairly must know that there are many like them who share the same feeling. This is always the nature of things in every place and time. There is always good and evil, as the situation has nothing to do with man’s origin or religion. It is unjust for the country to go behind foreign goals under any slogan or theme. Also, the use of ill intended people to create harmful divisions will make the country pay the price out of its security and stability. Believe in your homeland and make Kuwait the top priority. Period.