KUWAIT: Togo Ambassador to Kuwait and Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps Mohamed Saad OURO-SAMA held a farewell reception for the outgoing Tunisian Ambassador Al-Hashemi Ajeeli that was attended by African ambassadors. Ambassador OURO-SAMA lauded the good relations with the Tunisian ambassador during his stay in Kuwait and commended the activities he carried out with love, determination, and excellence.

He added that the outgoing ambassador maintained very good relations with his colleagues and was enthusiastic in carrying out his duties. He had an important role in developing relations with the State of Kuwait, said Ambassador OURO-SAMA.

Dean of the African Corps presented Hashemi with a memento, expressing the ambassadors’ friendship and their respect. Hashimi thanked his colleagues, and said it was an honor for him to work with such people, who were hard working and professional in carrying out their diplomatic duties. He thanked the State of Kuwait for its efforts to instill and develop diplomatic relations at all levels.