KUWAIT: Sheikh Mubarak Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah announced the renewal of the scholarship program offered by Sheikh Abdullah Al-Mubarak Foundation for another three years, explaining that this program aims to enable Kuwaiti and Arab students to pursue their studies at the United Kingdom universities, through cooperation with the Mansion House scholarship scheme program, which is supervised by the Board of Trustees of the Lord Mayor of the City of London.

Furthermore, Sheikh Mubarak stressed in his speech during his presence, as a guest of honor at the ceremony held by the Lord Mayor of the City of London to honor graduate students and beneficiaries of the scholarship program in the British capital, stressing the importance of qualified human resources for economic and social progress and for sustainable development. “And it is from this standpoint that we seek to provide the greatest amount of knowledge for students, and to prepare them as a new generation of leaders in line with the era of globalization, and this made us renew the scholarship program to support and help students achieve their aspirations and increase their opportunities for gaining distinguished academic achievement,” he said.

Moreover, Sheikh Mubarak added: “We are confident that the scholarship program will strengthen relations in the education sector between the United Kingdom and the Arab world in general, and thus strengthening the close and historical relations between Kuwait and the United Kingdom in particular.” Sheikh Mubarak said the scholarship program was established in 2019 in cooperation between the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Mubarak Foundation and the office of the Lord Mayor of the City of London. Since its inception, it has been interested in providing scholarships annually to outstanding Kuwaiti and Arab students to pursue and complete their postgraduate studies at prestigious British universities in various disciplines.

“We seek through this program to enhance the academic skills of graduate students and enable them to achieve scientific excellence in various disciplines, which will benefit our Kuwaiti society in particular, and Arab societies in general through developing knowledge and raising scientific levels, and then advancing the labor market and preparing a bright future for next generations,” Sheikh Mubarak said.

It is noteworthy that the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Mubarak Foundation and the Mansion House program have a long history in promoting educational initiatives. Sheikha Dr Suad Al-Sabah established the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Mubarak Charitable Foundation in 1998, through which she provided support for many scientific, cultural and social initiatives and events, including her annual sponsorship of the prizes for the best English-language books on Middle East and Islamic studies in cooperation with the British-Kuwaiti Friendship Society, which the book prize will celebrate its silver jubilee anniversary later this year.

The Mansion House Scholarship Scheme Program, which is supervised by the Lord Mayor of the City of London in the United Kingdom, was established in 1997 with the aim of helping finance scholarships for students and young people from abroad to specialize in the field of financial services within the United Kingdom. The Lord Mayor of the City of London also works to strengthen financial, commercial, and social relations between the United Kingdom and other countries.